I sent a quick text to my mom the other day requesting that she pray for me and about a situation our family is going through.Her response was, “You’ve got the connections!” referring to my relationship with God.
That got me thinking, we as Christians DO have the connections! It’s often been said; “It’s not ‘what’ you know, it’s ‘who’ you know.”Well, as Christians we know God, and He has ALL the connections!As I thought about her text it was mind-boggling to imagine all of the “connections” God has as the Creator and Sustainer of everything.As His child I can literally say:
“My Father knows everyone!”
“My Father knows all things.”
“Nothing is impossible for my Father.”
“My Father can I be trusted.”
Perhaps like me, you’re praying for something that would be a “long-shot” to happen. If so, be encouraged; you have a Father who specializes in the impossible! Genesis 18:4; Luke 1:37; Matthew 19: 26
As believers in Christ we are part of a huge family.I love when Jesus is told in Matthew 12: 46-50 that his mother and brothers are outside waiting for an audience with him. He responds to his disciples saying, “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
What a joy and comfort to know that we who follow Jesus are all part of the family of God. We all have connections with God and therefore with one another because we are a part of God’s family.
I recently heard a story about a man who was in a deep state of mourning after the loss of his wife.As thoughts of her ran through his mind, he began remembering the little things.The things she wore, her smile, even her favorite chicken potpie.The Lord put on his heart two specific bible verses that brought him comfort in the midst of his overwhelming sorrow.
At the same time, there was a woman who knew and loved God.She was going about her day when she sensed that she should make a homemade potpie and take it over to this man for dinner—a man she hadn’t been in touch with for over twenty years.She called him to let him know she was going to bring a potpie over to him.In that moment, his joy was restored because he knew that the Lord was with him and loved him so much that He was even in the details of his pain.
Interestingly, when the woman came to drop off the potpie she also brought along a card.In the blank card, she had felt the Holy Spirit tell her to write just two things:the same scripture references that the Lord had given to the man earlier.
Yes, we have a God who has all the connections.All we need is to stay connected to Him and to follow His instructions.In doing so, we like the two people in this story, have an opportunity to be part of God’s everyday miracles.
If you have a dream, a plan, or a desire, be encouraged. “You’ve got the connections!” God is faithful to lead you, equip you, and fulfill His good purposes in your life.
Written by Jamie Shaver