
My daughter came home from attending church the other day and shared with me her frustration with preachers who make altar calls at which time they say something to this effect: “Now, with eyes closed and every head bowed, raise your hand if you wish to accept Jesus...

What To Do & Pray When You’ve Hurt Someone

When I think about the moment the words flew out of my mouth, I just want to cringe.  I wish I could take them back, my intent was pure, but the timing was awful and worse yet, I had misunderstood something earlier in the day…so what does all this equal? I...

What To Pray After You’ve Been Hurt

Recognizing that the greatest challenge you will face after being wounded by someone is keeping yourself free from anger, bitterness, and resentment, I suggest that your first prayer should be for yourself.  Our role is to be pure vessels through which the Holy...

The “Tug” In My Spirit Doesn’t Make Sense!

As I lay down on the hotel bed to take a one-hour nap before we left for a church service in a large Midwestern city, I kept feeling a “tug” in my heart to stay home from the meeting that night.  But I wanted to go hear the special speaker that evening. ...

Flinch-Proof Your Faith

“If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing...

It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know

I sent a quick text to my mom the other day requesting that she pray for me and about a situation our family is going through.Her response was, “You’ve got the connections!” referring to my relationship with God. That got me thinking, we as Christians DO have the...

Peace Comes Through Trust, Not Control

It’s 3am and I wake up to my frightened daughter saying, “Mom, I can’t sleep, the wind is too loud.”Funny thing, I hadn’t heard the wind until she woke me up.Then after hearing it I found myself wide awake and thinking about…the house!The day before we had signed...