Nov 4, 2015 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement
Recently my nine-year-old son began to lose a small patch of hair on his head. At first, I wasn’t overly concerned. Perplexed, but not really concerned. After confirming that he and his sister hadn’t been experimenting with a razor or scissors, we made a...
Feb 12, 2015 | Godly Living
So it’s that time of night again, where I’m tucking my kids into bed and it’s time to pray. As I prayed with them I began to hear a pattern of “rehearsed” prayer that I could hear was not really about communion with God, but was more about making mom happy....
Apr 29, 2014 | Hope and Encouragement
We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and God has told us that the wages (cost) of this sin is death. Yet, God does not want us to die, He has great love for us. In fact, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. This is how...
Nov 26, 2013 | Godly Living, Holidays
images-2 As a family we regularly praise God for Who He is, His Nature and Character during our prayer time. As we celebrate Thanksgiving we will again be praising Him for the many amazing and pure qualities that He is. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,...
Nov 22, 2013 | Godly Living
“In all things and in everything give thanks and praise in Christ Jesus.” (Emphasis added) 1st Thessalonians 5:18 Does this describe your attitude toward life? I wish that I could say that it always does mine, but the truth is that sometimes I allow my...
Nov 15, 2013 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement
What are you anxious about? anx·ious -full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune; greatly worried; solicitous. We cannot have both fear and peace at the same time. Faith and fear cannot coexist. You either trust...
Nov 12, 2013 | Godly Living
Strive Not… When we strive to “make” something the way we want it to be, or even the way we believe God said it would be without waiting on His timing, we will always be left with sin and relational wreckage. God is always on-time, His time that is. We...