Christmas Prayer 2021

Christmas Prayer 2021

Dear Lord,  What joy there is to know that You, the Light of the World, continue to shine forth amidst the darkness of this fallen world and that the night cannot overcome You, who can draw people out of the darkness and into Your marvelous, glorious, and...
A Posture of Thanksgiving: Faithful Thanksgiving Prayers

A Posture of Thanksgiving: Faithful Thanksgiving Prayers

Why are Thanksgiving Prayers of the Faithful Important? God calls us to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV). God doesn’t call us to be thankful only when things appear to be going well from our vantage point. Even in the midst of...
Prayer for Health

Prayer for Health

Lord, thank you for creating me in my mother’s womb and giving me the gift of life. Thank You for not only giving me my life at my entry into this world, but I especially thank You that I am born again through faith in Your dying the death I deserved to die on the...