Lord, thank you for creating me in my mother’s womb and giving me the gift of life. Thank You for not only giving me my life at my entry into this world, but I especially thank You that I am born again through faith in Your dying the death I deserved to die on the cross due to my sin. My body is Your temple, and I trust You for my health, wholeness, and healing. Lord, give me the wisdom to eat and drink only that which is for the welfare of my body, and the self-discipline to only put into it that which will build me up and make me a fit vessel for your Spirit to dwell in. Thank you for giving me the ability to move and exercise my body; I ask that you also will give me the desire and motivation to do what is necessary to be fit so that I will be able to minister to those whom You’ve placed in my life and not be a burden to them. By Your grace at work in may life, enable me to be neither shelf-indulgent or slothful, to honor You by taking care of the body that you have entrusted to me for my earthly life. May whatever I do, whether I eat or drink, and in all that I do, may it be done in for Your glory! (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Lord, if I do become sick, I trust that You, Jehovah-Jireh, are able to restore my body to wholeness. I know that You are the ultimate Healer of my body, soul, mind and spirit. You are Sovereign and Good, and You not only knew the day of my birth, but I know You also know the day of my earthly death, and I trust that if You choose not to bring healing to me on this side of eternity when I fall ill, that I will be made whole in Heaven where I will live with You forever! I ask this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen.