How to Rightly Respond When Life Seems Unfair

How to Rightly Respond When Life Seems Unfair

Paying the Price for Another Person’s Sin Last week, on the day before Thanksgiving, my husband was heading to an appointment when a truck came from out of nowhere and careened into his car, literally tearing off the bumper. It turned out that the person driving the...
What Does It Mean to Have Faith in Jesus?

What Does It Mean to Have Faith in Jesus?

Having faith in Jesus means far more than simply believing Jesus exists. To have faith is to have absolute trust in someone. Having faith in Jesus means trusting Him wholeheartedly with your dreams and desires, your gifts and talents, and your life. It doesn’t...

Rules, Rebels and Relationship…where do you stand?

Morning thoughts: I was in a certain supermarket in a certain area, and I noticed the number of people who walked against the arrow, and looked as if they dared anyone to tell them about it.  I made mention of it to a woman whom I happen to know who works in the...

How Well Have You Invested Your Quarantine Time?

I recently watched an inspirational YouTube video of a father daughter duo, Savanna and Mat Shaw, who’ve used their quarantine time to sing duets together. They’ve set up an in-home studio, recorded several songs, and have become a Youtube sensation—even capturing the...

Are You a Rule Follower, or Not?

Have you noticed during this quarantine period all of the different ways in which people have responded to the directive to stay home and shelter? Media posts reveal there are those who think the whole Coronavirus is a hoax, connected to one or more conspiracy...

Forgetfulness Causes Fear

I recently have found myself in a situation that can cause me to have fear and experience a certain level of anxiety.  I know that this type of worry is not pleasing to God.  When I begin to feel the fear rising, or I’m tempted not to even put myself in this...