Frustrated that others seem to be gaining what you desire? Tempted to become angry? Psalm 37:1-11 offers wisdom so that we may not become angry when it appears that the evil doers are prospering.
1 – Trust in the LORD, and do good. (v.3)
2- Delight yourself in the LORD (v. 4)
3- Commit your “way” to Him (v. 5)
4- Be still before Him (v. 7)
5- Wait for the LORD (v. 7, 9)
6- Refrain from anger (v. 8)
7- Delight yourself in abundant peace (v. 11)
So in looking at the actions that these beautiful verses have to teach us it can be summed up in the following:
God’s Way
First, we must rely on the integrity, strength, ability, and surety of God by trusting Him, and do what is right by His standards. Then once we trust Him, we must take great pleasure in who He is, and find satisfaction and enjoyment in the nature of God by delighting in Him. Next, commit our way to Him by entrusting our chosen direction and the outcome to Him for safekeeping. Then, be still before Him and wait on His perfect timing. Doing these things will help you to refrain from anger. Lastly, delight yourself in the abundant peace that comes. Amen!
I am so grateful when scripture clearly lays out the action steps we need to take to find abundant peace. Look at how this differs from the way many in the world do things!
“World’s Way”…
Trust in yourself, and get “even.” Delight yourself in our own desires. Act now, don’t wait, and show your anger and disgust/frustration. Even post about in on Facebook, and finally find yourself with no peace, just turmoil and a frustrating life.
Thank you God that you have given us your Spirit to equip us to focus and accomplish on all that you have called us to that we may enjoy the peace that comes through a life that pleases you.