As I read Proverbs 8 today, verses 22-31 clearly spoke to my heart of God’s infinite Wisdom. Wisdom and knowledge are attributes of our perfect God. Have you ever stopped to think that these existed within His very being before one thing was ever created? I stand in awe of my God’s abounding knowledge that I cannot begin to fathom. Throughout my life I have had flashes of something inexplicable that I could not hold in my brain, and fleeting glimpses of things so powerfully simple they would stir my heart. Are these quick flashes a mere glimpse of the wisdom and knowledge of Him or of His Presence? They go beyond anything I could ever attempt to describe. Before our minds can put a name to it, He is there. Before we can define the quickening in our hearts, He is there. He is present in the split seconds of awe and wonder and the invisible sense of enormous peace. His Spirit shouts in silence for my ears and heart alone to hear. His wisdom is more than abounding with a full knowledge that my soul cannot contain or comprehend. This infinite treasure remained a magnificent mystery to me, until it became unlocked at the very utterance of my “Yes!” to my Savior.
At the very moment of our surrender He lovingly gives us new eyes to see, a new heart to feel, and a new mouth to testify to His wisdom and knowledge. We are given the ability to recognize His Presence. Through His Word, true and complete wisdom is defined for us for all eternity. It is a letter from God’s heart abounding in infinite knowledge and eternal love that has always been there … simply waiting for us! Each day as I sit in quiet time with my Father, I have come to understand the indescribable blessing of His Word.
O Lord, May the daily outpouring of that blessing be what my soul continues to thirst for. May it be a longing that will remain in my heart until the day I stand before You, my King!
Written by: guest blogger Jeanne East
Christian Educator