Jan 31, 2020 | Godly Relationships
Several people I know are in the middle of challenging situations due to working or being related to people who have hurt, disappointed, or offended them in the past. Although the situation is causing them much angst because of the strained relationship, they wonder...
Nov 8, 2019 | Godly Relationships, Hope and Encouragement
This week was a very special week in our household as we welcomed our 5th grandchild, a beautiful granddaughter, the firstborn of our eldest son and his beloved wife. What an indescribable, miraculous gift is the life of a child! How blessed we are that God chose to...
Jan 25, 2019 | Godly Relationships, Hope and Encouragement
After almost 40 years of marriage I have learned a lot of things I should not to do, and several things I should do, if I want a God-glorifying, satisfying marriage. But there is one thing that I have learned that is most important if I am to have the...
Jan 4, 2019 | Godly Living, Godly Relationships
It can be easy to identify the fear of flying, or of spiders, or of heights, or other fears that seem tangible. As prevalent as those fears may be, I think most people struggle with a fear that they’re often unaware of, and that can have a major impact upon their...
Nov 30, 2018 | Godly Living, Godly Relationships, Hope and Encouragement
Have you ever found yourself in the presence of a person that regularly focuses on the problems in their life with negative statements like: This is just my luck (don’t expect positive things) Go figure, of course this would happen to me (expects bad things) I have...
Nov 2, 2018 | Godly Relationships, Hope and Encouragement
“I’m married and haven’t had sex in two years,” a person recently shared with stress and disappointment in his/her voice (names and gender not mentioned for privacy). “I don’t know how it got this bad and I’ve been sleeping in another room for quite some time...
Oct 19, 2018 | Godly Relationships
Recently, I unintentionally offended someone by a post I shared on Facebook that I would not have thought would have incited another Christian. The person’s venomous response to me pierced my heart and caused me to ponder about how easily people are offended in...
Sep 27, 2018 | Godly Living, Godly Relationships
Recently I went on a trip to see some family members who I love dearly although I rarely get to see them. Regrettably, they do not have a relationship with the Lord. There are several things the Lord reinforced to me during this visit that I think may be...
Sep 6, 2018 | Godly Living, Godly Relationships, Hope and Encouragement
The other day I was racing to leave my neighborhood for an appointment when I encountered a long line of cars in front of me due to a repaving project. We were all ‘held hostage’ by a construction worker with a stop sign controlling the flow of cars driving in and out...
Jun 20, 2018 | Godly Relationships, Parenting
The greatest need your adult children have is the need for an intimate relationship with the Lord and His Presence in their lives. They need Him more than they need you. Keep in mind that if you really love them, you will not seek to be their ‘savior’, but you will...