Faith is a Heart Surrender

As I read one of my favorite devotionals this morning, ’Streams in the Desert’, authored by Mrs. Charles Cowman, the cited verse she used as the basis of her devotional was Romans 3:3:                   “For what if...

Fret Not- Finding Abundant Peace in 6 Steps

Frustrated that others seem to be gaining what you desire?  Tempted to become angry?    Psalm 37:1-11 offers wisdom so that we may not become angry when it appears that the evil doers are prospering. 1 – Trust in the LORD, and do good. (v.3) 2-...

Don’t Want to Deny Jesus? Don’t Be Offended.

The only “climate change” I believe in, is the “climate change” that is occurring in our culture towards those that hold firmly to the Word of God.  As the number of incidents where Christians are discriminated against are adding up, I believe soon they may begin...

Even Pests Declare God’s Glory!

One of my favorite things to do each spring is to plant flowers. However, around this time of the year I look at what had been a beautiful flowerbed I’d labored to plant in May and now see a flowerbed ravished by deer and overgrown with weeds. And yet, looking over my...

Your Focus Determines Everything

I remember as a child the first time that I went to the eye doctor.After getting my eyes examined and putting on my first pair of glasses, I vividly recall that what previously appeared to be merely a blanket of green was transformed into individual blades of grass.It...

The Blessing of Trials: Faith-building

Have you ever been around someone who leads you to question, “Could I endure what he or she has with such grace and faith?” I was led to wonder that after spending part of yesterday with a dear sister in Christ who has suffered from a debilitating illness that is both...

Faith-based Miracles: Another Blessing of Trials

“Wow!  What a miracle! God must be real!”  These are words I’ve heard uttered many times after I share what transpired in the life of my ministry partner Jamie throughout her ordeal with flesh-eating bacteria.  Interesting to consider, had she never...

God Is In The Details

“All this,” David said, “I have in writing as a result of the Lord’s hand on me, and he enabled me to understand all the details of the plan.” 1 Chronicles 28:19  God can help us to understand the details of a plan or reveal to us His hand in the...

Are you BOLD in the Spirit?

   When you come before the throne of God in prayer, do you come with confident boldness or with caution and timidity?    Recently I was hospitalized with necrotizing fasciitis (otherwise known as “flesh eating bacteria”) in my left arm.It was an...

Trusting the Man Who Died for You!

As a child I remember thinking it so strange that the day commemorating Jesus’ crucifixion was called “Good Friday” when it was a day of such pain for Jesus.At services every Good Friday I heard preaching on the words of Jesus from the cross and was aware of the agony...