Individual Mentorship

We Can Help You Live Your Life Without Fear, Worry or Anxiety!

Have you ever been somewhere watching or listening to a person who appeared to have no fear?  Perhaps this person was sharing candidly about a situation in their life and they didn’t seem to care about what others in the room were thinking about them, they seemed so ‘comfortable in their skin’.  Maybe you’ve recently learned of a person who took a large risk and you admire their boldness, but secretly wonder how they could have such peace with so many unanswered questions about the future.  And you find yourself wishing you could have the same faith to make an equally courageous decision.  What is their secret?  They’ve figured out how to overcome their fear, worry, and anxiety.  It doesn’t mean that they have not experienced any doubts or fear, but they have learned how to conquer their fear, worry and anxiety and to move forward with confidence!

Even though fear is a common emotion that goes back to the beginning of time, you don’t have to succumb to it. 

Based on many years in the trenches where we learned the tremendous cost of succumbing to our fears– as well as the life that can be lived when we conquer those fears– we now know there are principles and methods to use to live a stress-free, joy-filled, productive life. We promise you these are skills you can learn and master.

You know what we have found? Many times you are so close to your own life that it can be hard to determine what fears are dictating your decision- making and keeping you in a cycle of stress, self-sabotage, and defeat. 

We will help you uncover the key to finally living a productive life that works!  

We can help you live free from fear, worry and anxiety!

So, what is it that you desire? Inner peace and confidence? Greater joy and a more positive attitude? Healthier  personal or business relationships? Increased faith and wisdom? Better health and mental clarity? Or more successful, productive living? That’s what we are here to help you obtain!

It’s about becoming bolder, more courageous, and faith-filled by making crucial decisions to think and do things differently.   

Imagine what your life, family, or business would look like with more meaningful relationships, greater confidence, more peace and joy, and, frankly, more productivity and less excuses.  Discovering how to use the power of our techniques can make all of that happen.

These proven techniques can impact your influence upon people and greatly improve all of your relationships; improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health; and bring you the peace and joy you have always desired.

Why do we call fear, worry, or anxiety free living the most abundant life? Well, people who aren’t afraid to fail never do.  Our brains are wired to interpret the world through stories; we help you to rewrite the stories in your life that perpetuate fear, worry, or anxiety and in their place we help you come to the place of peace, joy and stress free living. We are like like editors, only editors for your life, helping you to determine which parts are good, what needs to go and what just needs to be tweaked or “re-written” to help you experience the life you most desire.

But changing your thoughts is not enough. You need to learn how to use our techniques to make a mind, body, and soul connection so you can live free from fear, worry or anxiety.

When you figure out which fears and worries are bossing you around and instead become their boss,…

You will go from living a life of scary ‘what-ifs’ to living a life of peace and  ‘I’ve got this!’

Clients we have worked with have told us that even after only one session they felt a burden had been lifted and that they had a new lease on life, a clear focus for their life, and freedom from anxiety, worry and fear that they hadn’t known in years!

Let us share how we can help you.

Our flagship program is our ‘True View’ Individual Mentorship which includes:

  • Phone conferencing in one hour sessions with Julie and/or Jamie, who have both used this proven method to conquer their own fears, worries and anxieties

  • Prioritized, personalized plan including action steps tailored to address your needs and specific desired outcome(s) each week

  • Our ‘Faith & Fear’ cards (a unique tool to help you overcome your fear, worry or anxiety) which will be mailed to you upon registration

We would like to ask you for the opportunity to make a big difference in your life.

Schedule a FREE 20 minute consultation call with us

Are you feeling worried about even having a consultation call? It’s ok, we understand that too. The call is a chance for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you so together we can determine if we would be a good fit for you. We want to assure you that you will have a friendly conversation free from judgment, pressure, or expectations from us. You’ll also have an opportunity to ask questions of us if you’d like. And best of all, you’ll receive personalized tips on how to begin living the life you desire! We look forward to hearing from you today! 

We don’t believe it’s a coincidence that you’re here, and we look forward to supporting you in achieving the stress-free, joy-filled, productive life you want to have. We’re excited about helping you to create the life you truly desire!

 Passionate about helping others to live stress, worry, and fear FREE,

 Julie and Jamie


P. S. Want to know more about Julie? Click Here

Want to know more about Jamie? Click Here

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