Recently my husband requested that I help out one of his friends who is promoting a new, delicious, organic juice in the Pittsburgh market. So twice a week I’m handing out juice samples at Whole Foods. I have found the experience very interesting. Most days I talk to over 75 people and see countless more. One day while I was just watching the masses and taking in the vast array of differences between skin tones and color; height and weight; whether blonde, brown, red, or black haired or even no hair at all.
The verse that speaks of man being created in the image of God suddenly came to mind:
“God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, …”
So have you ever wondered what God looks like?
Recognizing that we are all made in the image of God, it was beautiful and exhilarating for me to think that all of us reflect God’s image, no matter how we actually look on the outside. I approached my work with such joy and excitement as I looked at every person as someone who was valuable to God, created in His image. Just as each flower is unique and beautiful, I looked at each person I encountered as a beautiful reflection of God’s image, His love, and His creative genius. I encourage you also to look for the image of God in others—it will bless you, and I believe the way you will respond to others because of this perspective will bless them!
Written by Jamie Shaver