Mar 15, 2018 | Christian Worldview
As I was talking with Jamie this morning, she shared with me that she had been invited to be a guest speaker at her son Zach’s public high school class on entrepreneurship. Once she got to his school, the teacher took her aside and nervously informed her that when she...
Feb 25, 2017 | Christian Worldview, Godly Living
We are living in a day and age that is more polarized than at any other time in my lifetime. That is a refrain I am hearing from many others as well. The divisiveness is causing strife within our communities, the Church, and even in many families. Recently I sat...
Jun 17, 2016 | Christian Worldview
Like most of you, I am grieved about the massacre that happened in Orlando this past Sunday. We are called in God’s word to hate what He hates and to love what He loves; I also believe we are to be grieved by what grieves Him. Here are some of the things related to...
Feb 26, 2016 | Christian Worldview
This election year is the most critical one in recent history. The next president will likely appoint 3-5 Supreme Court Justices who will profoundly impact the future direction of our nation and whether we hold to a strict or loose interpretation of the...
Jan 28, 2016 | Christian Worldview
Almost daily I hear about situations that leave me incredulous about the moral decline in our culture. A friend shared with me an article that appeared in Glamour magazine last week that showcases the depth of the depravity in our society, and it also rekindled in me...
Oct 28, 2015 | Christian Worldview, Godly Living
In the wake of the recent mass murders that took place in Oregon where the killer mortally wounded those students and faculty who affirmatively answered his question, ‘Are you a Christian?’ and in a time when presidential candidates are being queried about their...
Sep 22, 2015 | Christian Worldview, Godly Living
Recently I stumbled across a blogger and his followers that were a group of “recovering Christians” so to speak. They used to believe and now they don’t. As I began to do what Jesus has commanded by teaching what the Scriptures say in love, the feedback I...
Jun 26, 2015 | Christian Worldview
As we prepare to celebrate another anniversary of our nation’s founding and with the news of the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of gay marriage, I can’t help but reflect upon how drastically our nation has changed since my childhood. Freedoms—like the freedom of...
Mar 10, 2015 | Christian Worldview, Godly Living
What is the greatest need facing our world today? Securityfrom terrorists? Solving world hunger? Clean water for all? Economic, political or social stability? Solving ‘climate change’? I believe the greatest need of our world never makes the list of any polls...
Feb 25, 2015 | Christian Worldview
I’m in the Atlanta airport when I look down at my text messages to retrieve my boarding pass with the gate number, when I notice there is no gate number. So I now find myself already on a train that is rushing through this huge airport while I’m trying to get...