Apr 12, 2019 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement
Do you sometimes feel insecure? Have you ever found yourself comparing yourself with others? Or ‘keeping score’ in your mind about what others have done or accomplished? Do you feel like a victim sometimes? Or feel that you are owed compensation for your...
Mar 22, 2019 | Godly Living
It was in March 2013 that I was diagnosed, treated and miraculously healed from flesh eating bacteria in my left arm, and many of you reading this were a wonderful part of that story through your prayers. That was a very traumatic time in my life and I...
Mar 8, 2019 | Godly Living
It was a Saturday morning when my husband called on his way home from our chiropractor, and his tone of voice was serious. “I have to come clean with you about something,” he said. Oh great! What bomb is he about to drop?! I thought as my heart rate...
Mar 1, 2019 | Godly Living
Are you afraid your child will fail, or not reach their dreams? Are you trying to protect them by keeping their dreams ‘realistic’? Would God agree with your decision? Or is fear DRIVING you to make the choices you make? “You’re never going to make it!”...
Dec 28, 2018 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement
What do you believe? Do you believe you are protecting someone when you tell them that what they are attempting to accomplish will not work or is impossible? Do you warn and educate others in the ‘reality’ of a situation to keep them from being...
Dec 21, 2018 | Godly Living, Holidays
Recently when talking with a friend who has a big decision to make regarding where her son will attend school, she asked me “How do you know what God’s plan is? How can you hear God speak?” I like to use the acronym P.E.W.S. to remember the most common...
Nov 30, 2018 | Godly Living, Godly Relationships, Hope and Encouragement
Have you ever found yourself in the presence of a person that regularly focuses on the problems in their life with negative statements like: This is just my luck (don’t expect positive things) Go figure, of course this would happen to me (expects bad things) I have...
Nov 20, 2018 | Godly Living
The Bible is very clear about numerous things as it relates to how to live. Do not lie, do not envy, and love your neighbor are just a few of many things that God specifically tells us to do or not do in His Word, both for our benefit and His glory. What...
Nov 2, 2018 | Godly Relationships, Hope and Encouragement
“I’m married and haven’t had sex in two years,” a person recently shared with stress and disappointment in his/her voice (names and gender not mentioned for privacy). “I don’t know how it got this bad and I’ve been sleeping in another room for quite some time...