Are You Creating an Insecure Child?

If I were to ask your 5 yr. old a question that he/she could answer like, “Do you like going to school?”  Do you answer for her?   Recently I was discussing this with a friend who had just experienced the ‘parent answering’ when asking a 14 yr. old boy about...

Are You Teaching Your Children to Fear, or to Have Faith?

Are you afraid your child will fail, or not reach their dreams?  Are you trying to protect them by keeping their dreams ‘realistic’?   Would God agree with your decision? Or is fear DRIVING you to make the choices you make? “You’re never going to make it!”...

Be a ‘Believer’ in 2019!

What do you believe?  Do you believe you are protecting someone when you tell them that what they are attempting to accomplish will not work or is impossible?  Do you warn and educate others in the ‘reality’ of a situation to keep them from being...