Jun 5, 2015 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement
I was recently reading an article when it said, “Everything you have ever wanted is possible for you.” This is a common theme in success books, motivational lectures, and inspirational movies. As a Christian, what do you think of this? Is that really true?...
May 28, 2015 | Godly Living, Parenting
Ok, I know that’s a pretty tall order, and thankfully the Holy Spirit helps us to become more and more like Jesus… if we LET Him. So the other night as I was tucking my 10 year old into bed, we went through ‘the routine’. (Who knew that when I made up my...
Apr 29, 2015 | Godly Living
Yeah, so the Bible tells us that we have 3 enemies: the world system, the flesh and the devil. I like to blame the devil for most of my shortcomings, although when I really think about it, many of my shortcomings are from the enemy called “my flesh”....
Apr 22, 2015 | Godly Living
Those of you who know me may know that I am really not a great cook. On the rare occasion when I make something that both looks and tastes good I want to throw a party and celebrate the moment! Lol! So I was making some steak and determined that it looked...
Mar 31, 2015 | Godly Living, Parenting
The other day my 13 yr. old son walked up to me and said… Son: “Mom, there was a kid at lunch that asked if he could borrow $2 for a hamburger, I told him ‘yes’ and that I expected he would pay me back when he had some money and now he won’t pay me back even though I...
Feb 25, 2015 | Christian Worldview
I’m in the Atlanta airport when I look down at my text messages to retrieve my boarding pass with the gate number, when I notice there is no gate number. So I now find myself already on a train that is rushing through this huge airport while I’m trying to get...
Feb 12, 2015 | Godly Living
So it’s that time of night again, where I’m tucking my kids into bed and it’s time to pray. As I prayed with them I began to hear a pattern of “rehearsed” prayer that I could hear was not really about communion with God, but was more about making mom happy....
Nov 11, 2014 | Godly Living
In Part 1 of ‘Increase the Peace’ we acknowledged that true peace is from God and that peace comes from believing God and obeying God. Scripture also teaches that we can have peace in the following ways: Be Thankful in All Things “Give thanks in all...
Oct 18, 2014 | Godly Living
Have you ever been around a “peace taker?” Have you ever started out your day filled with peace and joy and then realized by the end of the day you’d ‘lost’ your peace? Perhaps you noticed it was gone after you’d encountered someone who was fearful, anxious, critical,...