God’s Love Made Manifest

We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and God has told us that the wages (cost) of this sin is death.  Yet, God does not want us to die, He has great love for us.  In fact, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  This is how...

More Than Conquerors!

Are you facing any struggles in your life right now? Are you in any kind of pain? Fighting a physical illness? An annoying co-worker or client? Fighting against fear due to unemployment, debt, or financial troubles? Are you struggling with an addiction? Are you...

Expect to see “Good Things!”

In 4 days it will be the 1 year anniversary of my hospitalization and battle with “flesh eating bacteria!”  As I look back on 2013 I have to say, that experience is one of the best I have had.  I know it’s not the common thing that most would say, to some it...

Are You In Training for the Spiritual Olympics?

“Wasn’t that awesome?!”, my friend shouted.  She was waiting for me as I ran through the finish line of my first ever 10 mile race.  I was panting (yes, like a dog!) and I could barely catch my breath.  “Awesome” definitely was not the...

Pride, My Daughter, Snowboarding & God’s Word…

So we went skiing/snowboarding as a family this past weekend and my daughter was certain that her amazing ability to ride a “fake” sled-like snowboard down the slope of her friend’s front yard would yield to a perfect first day on a snowboard on real hills 😉 ...

Looking Forward to a Big Inheritance

We were visiting my husband’s family in WV, when Grandma came out of the house and announced that she had contacted everyone in the will and asked them to come over and put a sticker with their name on every item they wanted when she died. “If you weren’t asked to do...

Speak Life in 2014

What is the fruit you would like to see in your life in 2014?  This is the time of year when people are most likely to set new goals, dream of accomplishments and determine to change unprofitable behavior.   Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and...

Have We Been “Given Over?”

In our country, have we been “given over?”  Romans 1:21-32 mentions the following (in black below) and I’ve made bold certain portions for emphasis, and put my own thoughts and sources in italics. 21 Because when they knew and recognized Him...

Gifts: As Described By God

As I contemplate my own shopping list for this year’s Christmas gifts; I wanted to see what God’s Word said about gifts, and after I found out what He said, I wanted to share the gift of His Word with you! Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full)...

Strive Not…

Strive Not… When we strive to “make” something the way we want it to be, or even the way we believe God said it would be without waiting on His timing, we will always be left with sin and relational wreckage. God is always on-time, His time that is.  We...