Jan 25, 2019 | Godly Relationships, Hope and Encouragement
After almost 40 years of marriage I have learned a lot of things I should not to do, and several things I should do, if I want a God-glorifying, satisfying marriage. But there is one thing that I have learned that is most important if I am to have the...
Nov 2, 2018 | Godly Relationships, Hope and Encouragement
“I’m married and haven’t had sex in two years,” a person recently shared with stress and disappointment in his/her voice (names and gender not mentioned for privacy). “I don’t know how it got this bad and I’ve been sleeping in another room for quite some time...
May 23, 2017 | Godly Relationships
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” Isaiah 43:18 Many months after learning of my husband’s affair, the day I had feared for so long finally arrived. I rounded a corner at my workplace and ran right smack-dab into...
Jun 21, 2013 | Godly Relationships
I’ll start by saying that there are many reasons that a person can have for being disappointed in their marriage.Today, I’m going to cover one reason that I have discovered can cause disappointment in your marriage and what you can do to find satisfaction. Recently, I...