Aug 31, 2019 | Godly Living, Overcoming fear
I have been having discussions recently regarding the fear of financial ruin. This fear of or the reality of not having enough money to cover your debt can cause such a ripple effect in your life. Some people allow fear of their own expected and/or looming...
Aug 22, 2019 | Godly Living, Overcoming fear
As she approached me, a feeling spontaneously arose within me…the feeling of dread. When in this woman’s presence, I feel judged by her; as if I don’t measure up to her standards; and that she is looking to find fault with me. I’m not saying that I’ve ever heard her...
Aug 9, 2019 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement
The word never, is only beneficial when describing things that God has said will never happen or to keep a person safe. Here are a few examples: God is never going to change God will never sin God will never flood the earth again Never do drugs Never drink &...
May 24, 2019 | Godly Living
Another hour ticked away on the clock as I lay awake tossing and turning, going over and over again in my mind the purchase my husband and I had made earlier that day that was not able to be returned. We were stuck with our choice, like it or not.. I felt tormented by...
May 17, 2019 | Godly Living
When I was younger, back in 4th grade, I used to run cross country. Now based off of my reputation nowadays, some of you may believe that it was voluntarily and that I was happy about it. Only half of that is true. My best friend at the time was huge into...
May 10, 2019 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement
As I hung up the phone after listening to a litany of complaints from a friend who’s a self-described ‘stress-mess’, I was aware that the lengthy conversation that solely focused upon her ‘trials and tribulations’ had a draining effect upon me. My heart certainly went...
Apr 12, 2019 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement
Do you sometimes feel insecure? Have you ever found yourself comparing yourself with others? Or ‘keeping score’ in your mind about what others have done or accomplished? Do you feel like a victim sometimes? Or feel that you are owed compensation for your...
Apr 5, 2019 | Godly Living
I am the mother of four adult children—plus three wonderful daughter-in-laws, all of whom I love dearly. I’m very grateful to God for the relationship I have with each of them, and I try not to be an interfering, overbearing mother or mother-in-law—although they might...
Mar 22, 2019 | Godly Living
It was in March 2013 that I was diagnosed, treated and miraculously healed from flesh eating bacteria in my left arm, and many of you reading this were a wonderful part of that story through your prayers. That was a very traumatic time in my life and I...
Mar 14, 2019 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement, Parenting
This week I was on the phone visiting with someone I love dearly who’s battled cancer for the past 4 years and will be undergoing surgery next week to remove several tumors. We were discussing some of her concerns regarding the surgery and what would happen if...