Apr 24, 2017 | Godly Living
My only daughter is leaving in a little over 2 weeks to go on the mission field for a minimum of two years to a nation that is very hostile to the gospel, where there can be severe consequences for sharing Jesus’ love. Many people have asked me, “How can you let...
Jun 30, 2016 | Godly Living
I am overjoyed by the birth of my third grandchild and first grandson who was born last week. Although I wasn’t in the delivery room with my son and his wife when he was born, I was at the hospital and had the delight and privilege of seeing him shortly after his...
May 24, 2016 | Godly Living
The word never, is only beneficial when describing things that God has said will never happen or to keep a person safe. Here are a few examples: God is never going to change God will never sin God will never flood the earth again Never do drugs Never drink &...
Mar 27, 2016 | Godly Living
My 11 yr. old son Tyler has huge dreams when it comes to playing hockey! Recently, he had 4 days of tryouts which involved a couple rounds of cuts. He excitedly came home from Day 1 and said “I think I did awesome!” As a parent, I love the...
Mar 22, 2016 | Godly Living, Parenting
My 14 yr. old son in his own words would describe himself as “cool with a little side of nerd,” as opposed to a “nerd with a little side of cool!” Lol! He loves technology, computer coding, robotics, 3D printers, the periodic table of elements and other things...
Nov 4, 2015 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement
Recently my nine-year-old son began to lose a small patch of hair on his head. At first, I wasn’t overly concerned. Perplexed, but not really concerned. After confirming that he and his sister hadn’t been experimenting with a razor or scissors, we made a...
Jun 5, 2015 | Godly Living, Hope and Encouragement
I was recently reading an article when it said, “Everything you have ever wanted is possible for you.” This is a common theme in success books, motivational lectures, and inspirational movies. As a Christian, what do you think of this? Is that really true?...
Mar 10, 2015 | Christian Worldview, Godly Living
What is the greatest need facing our world today? Securityfrom terrorists? Solving world hunger? Clean water for all? Economic, political or social stability? Solving ‘climate change’? I believe the greatest need of our world never makes the list of any polls...
Jul 12, 2014 | Godly Living
This morning as I read my favorite devotional entitled Streams in the Desert it spoke of the trials of Job. It reminded me of how the Lord uses the hard things in our lives to help us grow stronger in our faith and in our total dependence on Him. There is a song that...
Jul 12, 2014 | Godly Living
When I remember my childhood many memories come to mind. Some tug at my heart with a longing for those days of simpler times. One memory that all of my brothers and sister will remember is that of my fear of putting my face under water when I was 5 years old. I had...