What Is Jesus’ New Year’s Resolution for You?
Setting a Goal for the New Year At the start of a new year, many people develop a list of the goals—or...
Savor & Share Jesus This Christmas
I imagine that like me, the onset of every holiday season brings with it memories of past Christmas’—the delightful...
How to Rightly Respond When Life Seems Unfair
Paying the Price for Another Person’s Sin Last week, on the day before Thanksgiving, my husband was heading to an...
Remembering Our Godly Heritage This Thanksgiving
The Importance of Remembering Our Godly Heritage God reminds us over and over again in the Bible, ‘to remember’. Why?...
How I See God Within My Life in Everyday Circumstances
Seeing God throughout your life can be difficult in a broken world, especially when we are battling trials. We all...
Obeying God’s Will Alleviates Confusion and Brings Peace
As I was driving home the other day I stopped at a four way stop sign. The person in the car on my right gave me the...
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
As a new believer, I remember thinking when the topic of Halloween was broached, “Why wouldn’t we celebrate it?” It...
Trusting God When Things Don’t Make Sense
All too frequently, life doesn't seem to make sense. Whether it's because we don't fully understand the gravity of sin...
Why Can’t I Trust God? Our Prayer Cards Can Build Your Faith
Why Can’t I Trust God? Trust isn’t something that comes easy for most people. We’ve all likely experienced encounters...
5 Reasons to Trust in Him
Having faith in God isn't always easy because, as human beings, we innately doubt. Doubt is part of our fallen, sinful...
What Does It Mean to Have Faith in Jesus?
Having faith in Jesus means far more than simply believing Jesus exists. To have faith is to have absolute trust in...
Does God Test Our Faith?
"After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am." He said, "Take your son,...
A Believer’s Response to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade
It’s very clear to see that our nation— which declares in our Pledge of Allegiance to be, ‘one nation, under God,...
Knowing God Produces Faith and Trust in Him
Without faith, we can have no trust. Faith means believing God, It means believing in the integrity and worthiness of...
Overcoming Fear with Words of Life
The power of life and death is in the tongue and God tells us that we have a choice between life & death…choose...
The Peace That Passes All Understanding
The bible tells us that Jesus is the “prince of peace.” Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you....
Mother’s Day Parenting Tips
My mother left her earthly home almost two years ago, and there’s not a day when I don’t miss her. As you’d expect, my...
Resurrection Day: What a Difference a Day Makes!
As a child, I remember Christmas being my favorite holiday, with Easter coming in as a close second. I loved going...
Fear God Only
I was recently talking with a friend who credited fear for protecting us. I stopped and thought about this for a...
What to Do–and Not Do– When There are ‘Wars and Rumors of Wars’
We are undeniably living in days that we’ve never seen before, and in what many people believe to be ‘the last days’....
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True View Ministries was founded with the mission to free God’s warriors from the fear, worry, and anxiety that prevents them from living their God created life.
Reveal Your Warrior
Here are some helpful tips to get you started to grow your relationship with Him and how it will ultimately help strengthen the warrior within you!