Thank You, Lord, for being the generous giver of everything in this world. I recognize that every good and perfect gift comes down to me through You, my Heavenly Father. (James 1:17) Help me at all times to see that what I have has all been given to me as a sacred trust from You, and may I faithfully steward it all for You and Your kingdom purposes. May I use my time, my talents, my relationships, as well as every financial resource, in a way that pleases You and glorifies Your Name. May I have an attitude of an open hand with what You have given to me, never holding onto that which You ask me to generously give away in order to bless others and to reflect Your sacrificial love. May I be found faithful to tithe from the first fruits of what You have given to me, trusting in You and Your promise to reward those Who put their hope and trust in You. (Proverbs 3:9-10) In every way, give me a heart that recognizes that nothing I have is truly mine, but it has all come freely to me and is to be used in a way that glorifies Your Name. May I be content with whatever blessings You choose to entrust to me, and remove from me every vestige of covetous. May I only seek worldly goods and wealth as an instrument that I can use for Your glory. I ask this all in Jesus’ Name. Amen.