Prayer for Current Events

Sep 5, 2021 | Prayers

I worship You, Lord, the One and only Living God, the Creator and Sustainer of the World, the Alpha and Omega, who brought everything into existence and is at work now to bring about your planned purposes. (Col. 1:16-17; Rev. 22:13; Isaiah 46:10-11)How blessed I am to know that You are Sovereign over every affair of mankind, and rule and reign over nations and individuals to accomplish Your purposes. Consume me with the holy fear of You, and release me from every unwholesome fear, trusting that You are able to work all things together for my good and for the glory of Your Name and for Your divine purpose. (Romans 8:28) 

Thank You that I can know that not one hair on my head can be touched without You allowing it, and if You allow it, I can trust that it is for my good. Thank You that when the circumstances in this world cause me to be concerned, I can know that You Who loved me so much that You gave Your life for me and Who has the power to overcome death can be trusted to do what is best with anything and everything that concerns me. Thank You that I can trust that even if I suffer persecution in this world for faith in You, I am blessed and great will be my reward in Heaven!  (Matthew 5;10-12)

Help me not to be ignorant of Satan’s schemes, which are to destroy all that You say is good. Lord, thank You that Your Ways are Righteous and Just, and that You have given me insight to see what is going on in the world today in light of Your Word. Thank You that Your design for Creation was perfect. Thank You for creating us to be male and female, and to abstain from sexual immorality of all kinds. Help me to see that where there is confusion, lawlessness, hatred, strife, fear, and division throughout our country and world, it is a sign of Satan’s handiwork. (1 Cor. 14:33; Jude 1:19 2 Thess. 2:7) Use me and other believers to counteract Satan’s attacks by declaring the truth of Your Word in love, and by sowing seeds of kindness, peace, and joy. At all times, help me to overcome the evil that I encounter with good. (Romans 12:21) 

Please expose the evil that is done in darkness, and may the fear of You come upon all of those who are workers of iniquity, proud, arrogant, hateful, and serving themselves and the gods of this world. Give me the desire and willingness to faithfully pray for those in authority in our nation to lead righteously as they rule in this land, recognizing that they will have to give an account before You, the ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords’ for how they have used the authority You have entrusted to them (1 Tim. 2:2; Ephesians 5:11) 

In these days when the enemy is so obviously at work to divide us from faith in You and to bring division among peoples, I praise You that You came to reconcile me to a relationship with You through Jesus, and in turn to use me as Your child to be an ambassador of reconciliation to unite others to You. (2 Cor. 5:17-20) May I be found faithful to represent You well! Thank You that through Your death on the cross You destroyed any barrier that would separate us from You and from one another; there is no longer a dividing line between Jew and non-Jew; male and female; rich and poor; or any other identify that can separate us as our world seeks to do. Help me to see all people the way You see them—created in Your image, with individual gifts and abilities, and with an eternal plan and purpose. Enable me through the Holy Spirit to seek to demonstrate Your love to all people, praying for them to know You and live for You, and even to pray. for my enemies and those who seek to persecute me. (Matthew 5:44)

How blessed I am as Your child to know that nothing that’s going on in our. World has caught You by surprise;  indeed, in Your knowledge, wisdom, and mercy, You have warned us of these days so that we might be prepared. (Matt. 24; 2 Tim. 3:1-7) Lord, increase my love for You and my faith in You so that I will stand firm in the truth and never be ashamed of You Who is not ashamed to call me Your own. (Matt. 10:32-33) Thank You that in the midst of theses latter. days, I can be of good cheer and have peace that surpasses all human understanding because of Your abiding presence and the knowledge that You have overcome the world! (John 16:33; Phil. 4:7) Thank You, Lord, that You are using the events of these days to cause me to long for Your appearing! (Isaiah 30:18; 2 Tim. 4:8) My Spirit cries out, ‘Come, Lord, Jesus, come!’ Amen.


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